Sebastian the Teddy Bear 03 The fangs of Death - Geoff A. Wilson (Paperback) 13-12-2023

Sebastian the Teddy Bear 03 The fangs of Death - Geoff A. Wilson (Paperback) 13-12-2023

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Book 3 in the ‘Sebastian the teddy-bear’ children’s/young adults adventure fantasy series, a book for all ages. Another epic adventure where toy animals come to life through the love of their human child hosts and where mysterious things happen in passageways hidden underneath cities, towns and villages. In ‘The Fangs of Death’, Sebastian and his friends are called to London to solve the riddle of a mysterious murder spree affecting the London animagi community. Hampered by dreadful floods, they uncover what is happening to the animagi who are killed by a vicious murderer. They gradually discover the dark secret behind the London killings and embark on a dangerous adventure to seek out the murderer. This takes them to a dark place where evil monsters and the ‘Fangs of Death’ lurk. Can Sebastian and his friends defeat the evil being that is behind the dreadful decapitations of animagi, or will the relentless floods prevent them from finding justice and solving the riddle of the London murders? Will good prevail over evil, or will the dark side of animagi society, that seems to raise its ugly head with each of Sebastian’s adventures, finally prevail?

See more about Geoff and his books at .