New KS2 English SAT Buster: Punctuation - Book 1 (for the 2022 tests) - CGP Books; CGP Books (Paperback) 01-06-2002

New KS2 English SAT Buster: Punctuation - Book 1 (for the 2022 tests) - CGP Books; CGP Books (Paperback) 01-06-2002

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This smashing Punctuation SAT Buster is packed with practice for the KS2 English SATS! It contains plenty of SATS-style questions covering all the punctuation techniques they'll need to master. We've also thrown in self-assessment boxes and a handy scoresheet to help track pupils' progress. Full worked answers are printed in a separate Answer Book (9781847629111), which also includes full answers to our SAT Buster Book 1s for Spelling (9781841461779) and Grammar (9781847629074). For even more punctuation practice at the same difficulty level, a Punctuation SAT Buster Book 2 (9781782942771) is also available!