Mind & Membrain: Head Trauma and Mental Health - A New Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment - Joanna Wildy (Paperback) 28-11-2022

Mind & Membrain: Head Trauma and Mental Health - A New Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment - Joanna Wildy (Paperback) 28-11-2022

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Mind & Membrain is a book that not only reveals the 'missing link' between head impacts, mental health issues and early onset dementia but also offers a new approach to mental health diagnosis and treatment. It will interest patients, carers and practitioners across the whole field of mental health. The book begins with the link between head impacts and mental health issues, and early onset dementia. The statistics are well documented and the link is now headline news for sports such as rugby and football. Yet while knocks to the head of all kinds are commonplace and the consequences for mental health are now recognised, the link remains poorly understood. No one so far appears to have grasped the crucial role of the medically neglected dura membrane that lines the skull, envelops the brain and controls the vital irrigation system of the cranium. "Membrain disorder" gives a name to a common but typically undiagnosed condition where the skull is impacted, the dura responds, and - with