Bake It. Slice It. Eat It.: One Pan, Over 90 Unbeatable Recipes and a Lot of Fun - The Exploding Bakery; Oliver Coysh; Tom Oxford (Hardback) 18-08-2022

Bake It. Slice It. Eat It.: One Pan, Over 90 Unbeatable Recipes and a Lot of Fun - The Exploding Bakery; Oliver Coysh; Tom Oxford (Hardback) 18-08-2022

  • £15.00
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One pan, over 90 unbeatable recipes and a lot of fun. A whole load of tasty cake recipes - from knockout carrot cake, banana bread, tiffin, crumble cake and cheesecake to an irresistible array of brownies - awaits you here and they're all made in on