Superman: The Man of Steel Volume 2 - John Byrne (Hardback) 26-01-2021
Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, comic book superstar John Byrne reimagined Superman for a brand-new era. Time has always been complicated, but Superman learns just how true that is when he and the Legion of Super-Heroes are caught in a pocket reality created by the Time Trapper. Facing off against aliens, gang violence, and super-villains will Superman be able to do it all? Or will one of his adversaries be a match for our Man of Steel? Collects Action Comics #588-593 (1994-2011), Adventures of Superman #429-435, Legion of Super-Heroes #37-38 (1984-), Superman #5-11 (1994-2006), and Who s Who Update 1987 #2, #4, and #5 (1987-).